Tuesday, November 29, 2011


There I am sitting in my seat in the Theater Department,quite as a mouse, listening to the teacher rant about how Theater started out as a form of entertainment in Ancient Greek. When the teacher spoke out my name and demanded me to go on stage I was terrified. I didn't know what to do I was like a lost puppy. I did not know if I was a qualified actress all I could do now was give it my best. A minute felt like an eternity when I was on stage by myself. I was a bit confident because of my past experience before, but I never had to be in front of the whole class alone I was always with someone else. The teacher told me to relax yet I was shaking and I could feel my heart drop every time I heard a laughter or worse, a whisper. Finally my time was up and I waited a couple of seconds for the teacher to comment and I was shocked when she told me I was great. Later on that year I auditioned for a part for our school play Peter Pan, I was casted as a pirate and only had about 5 lines, but something was something. I felt amazing when I went to rehearsals better yet, Opening Night and finally have a chance to outshine myself. A year passed and I continued to act I had been casted as one of the subordinate characters in our play Arsenic and Old Lace. Opening night, I was waiting for that thrill and I was confident, I knew all my lines and knew how to precive my character. When I walked up stage and walked though the door of our set I felt like a actress in a old television show, people clapped and cheered when I was on. I never have felt so important in my life before. When I get on stage I feel I am undefeated against the world, I can honestly say I feel at home when I am in the Drama Department that is my safe place I can go to. I am truly grateful for getting over my fear of being on stage. they do say your hashest critic is yourself. I believe I affected change within myself and i also effected through other people because now my audience can be entertained when Iget on stage.
" He steps on stage and draws the sword of rhetoric, and when he is through, someone is lying wounded and thousands of the others are either angry or consoled"- Pete Hamill

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Journal #5

If I were given one million dollars to help improve conditions around the world I would create a corporation that helps third world countries find their natural resources and learn how to perceive them, also knowing this skill will engage them to trade with rich powerful countries in order to exchange theses natural resources for service and aid. The first third world country I would donate the money to would be Africa. The reason Africa would be the first to receive the money is because they have the most natural resources and they are one of the poorest countries that live in poverty and horror;which is controversial and somewhat paradoxical. My program would allow the men in Africa to learn a skill of merchant trading and finding natural resources. Women will be tough to grow crops in their garden and make living conditions easier in order for it not to become a domestic labor work field. The children will be able to continue to go to school while their parent or guardian goes to work so it will not become child labor. The men in Africa will be able to go to training for the working condition task they will need to develop. After they gather their resources they will be able to create a contact with other countries that includes the following: in exchange for their oil and other resources the other country will give aid and supplies that will go towards schools and improve housing projects.